We work with a specialist property business with expertise in partnering with large property owners and occupiers to review, rationalise and deliver programmes to drive cashflow benefits.

They have a proven track record of delivering significant value for large organisations having worked with several FTSE 100 companies, most recently they have delivered a 250 million for a large retailer through a cost reduction and asset realisation which lasted just 24 months.

Using their inhouse specialist team they can:

  • Achieve change of use and planning consent on surplus property allowing for meaningful disposal of assets with value retained in house or shared with the property owner

  • Use their unique expertise on lease disposal to affect maximum value with solutions ranging from straightforward surrenders to highly creative and complex answers for more problematic properties

  • Fully price portfolios to achieve benchmark before and after sale or disposal

  • Ensure safe and secure risk transfer from client to themselves

  • Use their own in-house team for all building works, enabling lower-cost dilapidation results as well as lower maintenance and marketing costs.